How do I earn the extra cash back?
Sign up for the Essential, Extra, or Everything plan then make a purchase with one of our partners through the link in-app. The additional cash back will be deposited within 30 to 90 days.
Do I still get my usual cash back with each purchase?
Yep! You'll still receive the regular cash back you are earning with your KOHO plan. This partner-specific cash back is in addition to your normal cash back.

Will I be notified about my cash back earnings?
For sure! We’ll notify you every time you make a successful purchase, and we’ll let you know when cash back from a partner hits your account.
Is there a limit to how much cash back I can earn?
There is no fixed limit on the total cash back you can earn. However, individual partners offers may have specific terms and conditions, including cash back limits.
What should I do if I haven’t received my cash back?
If your cash back doesn’t show in your account in 30 to 90 days, reach out to our our customer support team who are always happy to help!