
Does disputing a transaction affect credit score

3 min read

Nick Saraev

Written By

Nick Saraev

Does disputing a transaction affect credit score

In the ever-evolving financial ecosystem of Canada, your credit score plays a big role in your financial health. You can think of it like a personal financial report card for adults.

Ranging typically between 300 and 900, your credit score plays a pivotal role in dictating eligibility for loans, interest rates, and even some job or housing opportunities. A high score opens doors to better financial terms, while a low score can pose limitations.

Given its paramount importance, understanding what affects it, such as the impact of disputing a transaction, is essential for every Canadian.

When Can I Dispute a Credit Report Item?

Errors on credit reports aren't as rare as you might think.

Discrepancies and errors could stem from various reasons – from simple administrative mistakes, such as a wrong address or misspelled name, to severe issues like fraudulent activities or mixed-up accounts with someone of a similar name.

Addressing these errors is not just about ensuring accuracy but also about safeguarding one's financial reputation.

Imagine being denied a housing loan due to a credit report error that you weren’t even aware of!

How Long Do You Have to Dispute a Charge?

When it comes to successfully disputing a charge on your credit card, timing is everything.

In Canada, if you believe there's an error on your credit report, you're encouraged to dispute it immediately. As per the guidelines set by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada:

  • Credit Reporting Agencies: Both major credit reporting agencies in Canada – Equifax and TransUnion – recommend filing a dispute as soon as you identify an error. Once you file a dispute, these agencies generally have 30 days to investigate and respond.

  • Disputing with the Company: If the error stems from a company's records (like your bank or credit card issuer), you should contact them directly. They may have their own protocols and timelines but are mandated by law to address legitimate disputes promptly.

  • Older Transactions: It’s worth noting that negative information on your credit report, such as late payments or delinquencies, usually stays for up to six or seven years. However, if you believe such information is incorrect or can provide proof that it's outdated, you can dispute it even if it's several years old.

How To Correct Credit Report Errors

Correcting credit report errors is vital, not only for the accuracy of your records but also for maintaining a trustworthy financial profile.

Taking these errors lightly could potentially cost you in higher interest rates or declined applications.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to address and rectify these errors when they come up:

  1. Obtain Your Report: Before you can spot an error, you need to have your credit report in hand. Canadian citizens are entitled to a free credit report annually from major credit bureaus, namely Equifax and TransUnion.

  2. Scrutinize Carefully: Go through every detail on the report. Check personal details, account balances, credit limits, and payment histories. Any discrepancy, no matter how minor, should be flagged.

  3. Gather Evidence: If you spot an error, collect any relevant documentation that supports your claim. This could be bank statements, payment records, or written communication.

  4. Contact the Reporting Agency: Write a detailed letter explaining the inaccuracies and attach copies (not originals) of your supporting documents. The agency is legally obligated to investigate the items in question, usually within 30 days.

  5. Follow-up: If the investigation results in a change, the credit bureau will send you a free copy of your credit report to confirm the correction. If not satisfied, you can add a statement of dispute to your report.

Does Disputing a Transaction Impact Credit?

The mere act of filing a dispute regarding an error on your credit report does not affect your credit score.

The process is a consumer right designed to ensure the accuracy and fairness of credit reporting. However, the outcome of the dispute can influence your score:

  • Correction in Your Favor: If a disputed item is corrected or removed after the investigation, it might lead to an improvement in your credit score, especially if it was a negative entry.

  • No Change After Dispute: If the disputed item remains unchanged post-investigation, your score will stay the same. However, you can request to have a note added to your file explaining the dispute, ensuring future lenders or creditors see your side of the story.

  • Disputing Valid Charges: If you dispute a transaction on your credit card and it's found to be valid, not addressing the charge can lead to delinquencies which will impact your score negatively.

Get Expert Credit Building Help From KOHO

Understanding and managing credit can be daunting, especially when you're navigating discrepancies and disputes.

This is where KOHO steps in, shining a beacon of financial clarity for Canadians.

With KOHO's credit-building card, you can take proactive steps towards building or rehabilitating your credit score, all while enjoying the benefits of a modern financial tool.

By being vigilant about the accuracy of your credit report, understanding the nuances of credit management, you can pave the way for a robust financial future.

And with allies like KOHO, the journey becomes that much smoother.

Note: KOHO product information and/or features may have been updated since this blog post was published. Please refer to our KOHO Plans page for our most up to date account information!

About the author

Nick is a freelance writer and entrepreneur with a particular interest in business finance. He's been featured in publications like Popular Mechanics and Apple News

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