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How Much Money Should I Have Saved By 40?

5 min read

How much money should i save before I am 40?

They say 40 is the new 30, when you might have started a family, bought a home, or spent your 30s travelling the world. But amidst these milestones, one question often lingers: How much should you expect to have in your savings account?

Like most aspects of life, the answer isn't clear-cut, as everyone's journey is uniquely their own. However, setting clear savings goals by this age can play a pivotal role in securing your financial future. In this article, we'll explore the importance of having a robust savings plan in place by the time you hit the big 4-0.

We acknowledge that everyone's financial situation is different, but it's never too late to start or refine your approach to saving.

How to Understand Your Financial Health at 40

Before diving into the specifics of saving for the future, it's crucial to assess where you currently stand financially. A thorough understanding of your financial health is the foundation upon which you can build a solid savings plan.

Evaluating Your Annual Salary and Monthly Expenses

The first step in understanding your financial health is to take a closer look at your annual salary in relation to your monthly expenses.

Don’t think of this exercise as just being about the numbers. It's about gaining insights into your spending habits and identifying areas where you can optimize.

Start by listing your sources of income and every expense, no matter how small. This includes everything from housing and utilities to groceries and entertainment.

By doing so, you gain a clearer picture of your cash flow, which is essential for effective saving in a savings account.

Importance of Checking Your Credit Score

Another key aspect of assessing your financial health is understanding your credit score. This three-digit number is a snapshot of your financial reliability and can significantly impact your ability to borrow money or secure a mortgage.

A good credit score can open doors to better interest rates and terms, making it a crucial component of your financial toolkit. Fortunately, keeping tabs on your credit score has never been easier.

With KOHO you can get a free credit score, offering you insight without costing a dime. Knowing where you stand can help you make informed decisions about managing debt and improving your financial health.

Keeping a close eye on your financial health is an ongoing process. It involves regular check-ins on your spending, saving, and borrowing.

When you understand your annual salary, monthly expenses, and credit score, you're better equipped to set realistic savings goals and work towards a secure financial future.

A well-managed savings account can serve as a cornerstone of your financial stability, providing peace of mind and a safety net for life's unexpected turns.

What Should Be in My Savings Account by 40?

As you approach the milestone of turning 40, it's time to take stock of your savings and assess whether you're on track toward achieving your financial goals.

The reality is that the amount you should have tucked away in your savings account by this age can vary widely, depending on several personal factors and life choices.

Understanding these variables can help you set realistic expectations and devise a plan that aligns with your financial future.

Factors That Can Influence Your Savings

  • Current Loans: Debt from student loans, car loans, or mortgages can significantly impact your ability to save. The more you owe, the harder it might be to allocate funds towards your savings.

  • Location: Living in a high-cost area can affect how much you're able to save, as the cost of living can take a large chunk of your salary.

  • Salary: Your annual salary plays a crucial role in how much you can realistically save, as it dictates your spending power and saving capacity.

  • Financial Obligations: Family commitments, healthcare needs, and other personal obligations can impact your savings rate.

  • Past Savings Efforts: Your financial habits in your 20s and 30s, including your approach to saving money, will influence your savings by age 40.

Guidelines for Saving by Age 40

While individual circumstances vary, financial experts often recommend having three to six times your annual salary saved by the time you hit 40.

This includes your emergency fund, retirement accounts, and any other savings. Achieving this milestone sets a solid foundation for your financial future, helping ensure you're prepared for the next stages of your life, including retirement planning.

The Importance of an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is an essential component of a healthy financial plan, especially as you approach middle age.

This fund acts as a financial safety net designed to cover unexpected expenses such as medical emergencies, home repairs, or sudden job loss.

Ideally, your emergency savings should be easily accessible and kept in a high-yield savings account to maximize growth.

Aiming for three to six months' worth of living expenses can provide peace of mind and financial stability in times of need.

For those looking to maximize their emergency savings, considering an emergency fund in a high-interest savings account (HISA) can be a smart move. These accounts offer the best interest rate on savings accounts, making your emergency fund work harder for you.

By understanding the variables that impact your savings by age 40, you can tailor your savings plan to fit your unique situation. Remember, it's never too late to adjust your financial habits and work towards securing a comfortable and stable future.

Embracing Your Savings Goals by Age 40

Turning 40 is a major milestone in life and it's a pivotal moment for your finances too. By now, you've likely experienced significant life events, from career advancements to family growth, each impacting your financial landscape.

It's time to embrace these experiences and harness them to set and achieve meaningful savings goals. Doing so isn't just about securing your financial future; it's about creating peace of mind for yourself and those you care about.

Crafting Realistic Savings Goals

Setting savings goals by age 40 requires a blend of ambition and realism. Start by envisioning where you want to be financially in 5, 10, or even 20 years. Do you dream of a serene retirement, supporting your children's education, or perhaps owning a vacation home?

Whatever your aspirations, break them down into tangible goals. For instance, determine how much you need to save monthly to reach your targets, taking into account your current savings, expected income, and any potential windfalls or expenses on the horizon.

Leveraging Online and High-Yield Savings Accounts

To maximize your savings efforts, consider the role of online savings accounts and high-yield savings options.

These tools are engines that can help accelerate your savings growth. Understanding how interest works on savings accounts is crucial; it can significantly impact the amount you accumulate over time.

Look for accounts that offer high interest rates on savings accounts, as these can substantially boost your savings without any additional effort on your part.

Long-Term Savings: Planning for Retirement Savings

In your 20s and 30s, retirement might have seemed like a distant horizon, a lifetime away. As you reach 40, however, the perspective shifts and retirement planning starts to take on a new level of seriousness.

It's time to look ahead with purpose and precision, understanding that the steps you take now can significantly shape your financial comfort in the later years. So, let's delve into how you can craft a retirement strategy that's both robust and rewarding.

The Power of Starting Early

The earlier you begin saving for retirement, the more you can leverage the magic of compound interest. This financial principle means that the interest you earn on your savings also earns interest, creating a snowball effect over time.

By starting your retirement savings in your 40s, you're still in a great position to take advantage of this powerful financial force.

Contributing regularly to your retirement accounts, such as a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) can significantly impact your nest egg's growth.

Diversifying with Mutual Funds and Other Investments

Diversification is a key strategy in retirement planning. It involves spreading your investments across various assets, such as mutual funds, stocks, and bonds, to reduce risk and increase potential returns.

Mutual funds, in particular, offer a way to invest in a broad range of assets within a single fund, making them an attractive option for both new and seasoned investors.

By including these in your retirement accounts, you can work towards a more secure financial future.

Understanding Tax Benefits and Implications

Retirement accounts are powerful tools for tax planning. Many accounts offer significant tax benefits, such as tax-deferred growth or tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

Understanding the tax implications and benefits of your retirement accounts is crucial. For Canadians, familiarizing yourself with how retirement accounts are taxed can help maximize your savings.

Whether you're contributing to an RRSP, a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), or exploring other retirement savings options, being informed about the tax advantages can lead to more effective retirement planning.

Setting Realistic Benchmarks

Knowing what to aim for can help you chart a clearer path to retirement. The average retirement account balance varies widely, depending on factors such as age, income, and savings rate.

However, aiming for retirement savings that align with your lifestyle aspirations and future expenses is essential.

Familiarizing yourself with the average retirement age in Canada and understanding the expected standard of living can help you set more realistic goals for your retirement planning.

Enhancing Your Savings Strategy with KOHO

In the quest to maximize your savings and financial health, incorporating modern financial tools and resources can make a significant difference. These tools are designed not only to safeguard your finances but also to augment your saving efforts efficiently.

Smart Spending with Virtual Credit Cards

Virtual credit cards offer a secure and innovative way to manage your online spending, helping you save more by avoiding unnecessary expenses. They provide a unique card number for each transaction, minimizing the risk of fraud and overspending.

Exploring options like a virtual credit card can be a strategic move for those looking to tighten their budget and save more effectively.

Safeguarding with Overdraft Protection

Unexpected expenses can derail even the most carefully planned budget, making overdraft protection coverage an invaluable tool. This feature helps prevent overdraft fees and ensures that accidental overspending doesn’t hinder your savings goals.

It's an essential safety net that complements your saving strategy, keeping you on track toward your financial objectives.

Maximizing Savings with High-Interest Accounts

Choosing the right place to store your savings is crucial. A high-interest savings account not only keeps your money safe but also works hard for you, earning interest at a rate significantly higher than standard accounts.

This can exponentially increase your savings over time, making it a cornerstone of any effective saving plan.

Building a Stronger Financial Future by Enhancing Your Credit

In addition to saving, building a robust credit score is fundamental for financial health, especially when planning significant purchases like a home.

A healthy credit score can open doors to better loan terms, lower interest rates, and more favourable financial opportunities.

To efficiently build your credit, consider leveraging tailored products designed to enhance your credit rating. Products like KOHO's credit-building solutions offer a straightforward and effective way to improve your score.


As we've journeyed through the essentials of proactive financial planning and the significance of having a robust saving strategy by 40, it's clear that preparing for your financial future is both a responsibility and a pathway to peace of mind.

This article has laid out steps to assess your current financial health, set achievable savings goals, plan for retirement, and utilize modern tools to enhance your financial stability.

Remember, it's never too late to start. By taking action today, whether you're just beginning or refining your strategy, you're securing a future where financial worries are minimized, and you can enjoy the fruits of your labour with confidence and serenity.

Note: KOHO product information and/or features may have been updated since this blog post was published. Please refer to our KOHO Plans page for our most up to date account information!

Nick Saraev

Nick is a freelance writer and entrepreneur with a particular interest in business finance. He's been featured in publications like Popular Mechanics and Apple News