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How To Protect Your Bank Account

5 min read

how to protect your bank account from bank scams

According to the General Social Survey (GSS) on Self-reported fraud in Canada, 2019, an alarming 12% of the population reported being victims of fraud where their personal or banking information was used to illicitly obtain money or buy goods or services in the five years leading up to the survey.

These fraudulent activities have led to staggering financial losses exceeding $16 billion, underlining the urgent need for individuals to safeguard their sensitive information. As more consumers bank online, the importance of implementing advanced security features to protect against unauthorized access to bank accounts cannot be overstressed.

This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to secure your financial assets effectively and avoid scams and identity theft, ensuring that your journey to bank account online remains safe and secure.

A Closer Look into Bank Account Fraud

Bank account fraud has become prevalent in the digital era, where personal and financial information is constantly at risk. This form of fraud encompasses various illegal activities aimed at unlawfully accessing and using an individual's bank account information. The motives behind these fraudulent activities range from attempting to transfer money without authorization to stealing credit card details for unauthorized purchases.

The Importance of Protecting Your Financial Accounts

The need to protect your financial accounts cannot be overstated. In the hands of identity thieves, your bank account information can lead to significant financial and personal losses. These cybercriminals employ sophisticated methods to access your sensitive data, and once they have it, they can wreak havoc on your financial health. Therefore, safeguarding your financial accounts protects your hard-earned money and shields you from potential identity theft and its repercussions.

Here are the most common types of bank account frauds to be aware of:

  • Phishing and Spear Phishing Attacks: These involve sending fraudulent emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate sources, such as your bank, to trick you into revealing personal information like bank account numbers and passwords.

  • ATM and Card Skimming: Thieves install hidden devices on ATMs or card readers to capture your card information and PIN, which are then replicated to make unauthorized transactions.

  • Identity Theft: Criminals may use stolen personal information, such as social security numbers and credit card details, to open new accounts in your name or access existing accounts.

  • Unauthorized Transfers and Transactions: Hackers gaining unauthorized access to your online banking can transfer money from your account or make unauthorized purchases.

Understanding these threats underscores the importance of protecting your financial information proactively. This includes implementing strong security measures, regularly monitoring your accounts, and being aware of how and where your information is being used.

For added layers of security, consider having accounts at multiple banks. This strategy can help mitigate risks by ensuring that not all your funds are compromised if one account is breached.

Additionally, it's crucial to know the protection measures in place for your accounts. For instance, understanding are Canadian bank accounts insured? can provide peace of mind, knowing the extent to which your funds are protected under different scenarios.

Basic Security Measures for Your Bank Account

Ensuring the security of your bank account requires adopting several fundamental practices, as follows.

1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Avoiding easily guessable passwords such as "123456" or "password" and instead use a complex combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Each bank account or financial service should have its own unique password to prevent a breach in one account from compromising all your financial accounts.

Benefits of Using a Password Manager

A password manager securely stores all your passwords in one place, often encrypted, so that you only need to remember one master password. The tool can also generate strong passwords for you, ensuring that each of your accounts has a unique and complex password, enhancing your online security and making it more difficult for cybercriminals to access your financial information.

2. Monitor Your Bank Accounts Regularly

Regularly monitoring your bank accounts is vital for promptly detecting and acting on any suspicious activity. Check your accounts frequently to verify that all transactions are legitimate and quickly identify any discrepancies.

Early detection of unauthorized transactions can be crucial in preventing further financial loss. Setting up alerts for your accounts can also help notify you of any unusual activity, such as large withdrawals or transfers, ensuring that you are immediately aware of any potential threats to your financial security.

3. Opt for Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication

Enhance account security by enabling two-factor or multi-factor authentication. This requires additional verification, such as a code sent to your phone or biometric data, adding an extra layer of defence against unauthorized access.

How Two-Factor Authentication Protects Your Bank Account

2FA protects your account by significantly reducing the chance of an unauthorized user gaining access. Even if a hacker manages to obtain your password, they would still need the second form of identification, which only you possess to access your account. This could be a physical token, a text message with a code, or a biometric identifier like your fingerprint.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in Online Banking

Many financial institutions now offer MFA options for online banking. Activating this feature usually involves going through your account settings and following the institution's steps to add another verification method. It is a straightforward process that provides a significant security upgrade.

Regular updates and vigilance can help keep your financial information safe and provide peace of mind that your money is safe with Koho and other banking institutions.

Enhancing Online Banking Security

As online banking becomes more prevalent, enhancing the security of your financial transactions and account details is imperative. By taking the following steps to strengthen your online banking security, you can protect yourself against financial fraud and ensure your personal and financial records remain confidential.

Secure Your Online Banking Passwords

Your first line of defence in online banking security is your passwords. It is crucial to:

  • Create strong, unique passwords for each of your financial accounts.

  • Avoid using the same password across different platforms, as this can lead to multiple accounts being compromised if one is breached.

  • Regularly update your passwords and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Utilise biometric verification methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, if available, for an added layer of security.

Incorporating security questions that only you know the answer to can also provide an additional security layer for retrieving or resetting your passwords.

Beware of Phishing and Scam Emails

Phishing attacks are a common method cybercriminals use to gain access to your account details and personal information. To protect yourself from fraudulent activity:

  • Never click on suspicious links or attachments in emails, especially those requesting your banking information.

  • Be wary of emails that urge immediate action or threaten account closure.

  • Verify the authenticity of any communication by contacting your financial institution directly through official channels.

Secure Your Home Network

The security of your home network plays a crucial role in protecting your financial information. To ensure a secure online banking experience:

  • Use a secured Wi-Fi network with a strong, encrypted password.

  • Install and update antivirus and firewall software to protect against malware and other threats.

  • Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your online activity when conducting financial transactions.

Maintaining the security of your online banking involves regular review and updating of your security measures. Explore plans for spending and saving with peace of mind, knowing you're taking proactive steps to safeguard your assets.

Furthermore, consider products like a virtual credit card for safer online purchases, and stay informed about overdraft protection coverage and the best interest rate on savings accounts to manage your finances effectively and securely.

Mobile Banking: Tips and Precautions

With the increasing reliance on mobile devices for managing financial situations, mobile banking has become an essential tool. However, it's vital to ensure that your online banking information remains secure from cyber threats when using these convenient services.

Downloading and Using Banking Apps Safely

Regarding mobile banking, the first step is ensuring you're downloading and using the app safely. Verify the authenticity of mobile banking apps by downloading them only from official app stores like Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Check the publisher's name, read reviews, and verify the app's legitimacy to avoid fraudulent applications designed to steal your information. Update your banking apps regularly to ensure you have the latest security features and fixes for any vulnerabilities.

Protecting Your Mobile Banking App

Protect the correct banking app and your financial information once you have the correct banking app.

Using Screen Locks and Biometric Security

Enable screen locks such as PINs, patterns, or biometric security like fingerprint or facial recognition on your mobile device. This can prevent unauthorised access to your banking app if your device is lost or stolen.

Regularly review the app's privacy settings and permissions to ensure it only has access to necessary information.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi for Banking Transactions

Execute financial operations over a secure and private Wi-Fi network or through your cellular data to avoid the vulnerabilities of public Wi-Fi, which hackers can easily exploit to snatch your financial details.

If you need public Wi-Fi access, a VPN can shield your online actions and data from unauthorized observation. Adhering to these safeguards enables you to leverage the benefits of mobile banking while significantly lowering the chances of your financial data being jeopardized.

Stay vigilant by keeping abreast of the latest in security enhancements and employing multi-factor authentication wherever possible. Regularly check your accounts for any irregular activities.

Your online banking and financial information safety take precedence, mainly when conducting transactions, reviewing your finances, or handling your debit card through a mobile device.

Immediate Actions If You Suspect Bank Account Fraud

If you suspect your bank account has been compromised, immediate action is crucial to prevent further damage and recover any lost funds.

Recognizing the Signs of Bank Account Fraud

Stay vigilant for unusual activity that may indicate bank account fraud, such as:

  • Unrecognized transactions or withdrawals.

  • Missing mail or emails that could suggest an address change by a fraudster.

  • Alerts from your bank about access attempts or unusual activity.

  • Inability to access your online banking account.

Reporting to Your Financial Institution Immediately

If you notice any signs of fraud, contact your bank or financial institution right away. Prompt reporting can help stop unauthorized transactions and start the investigation process. Use the official contact details provided by your bank, never those supplied in a potentially fraudulent message.

Steps to Take After Reporting Fraud

Once you've reported the suspected fraud to your bank:

  • Follow their instructions carefully. They may require you to fill out certain forms or provide additional information.

  • Document all communications with your bank, including dates, times, and the names of any representatives you speak with.

  • Monitor your bank statements and credit reports closely for any further unusual activities.

  • Inform other financial institutions where you hold accounts, as they, too, could be at risk.

Changing Your Online Banking Passwords and Security Measures

After securing your accounts:

  • Change your online banking passwords and security questions. Ensure that the new passwords are strong and unique.

  • Update the security settings on your mobile banking apps and enable multi-factor authentication where possible.

  • Review and enhance the security measures for all related financial accounts, not just the one affected.

Taking these immediate actions can help minimise the damage caused by bank account fraud and safeguard your financial information against future threats. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and act swiftly to protect your financial well-being.

Choosing the Right Bank or Credit Union for Safety

Selecting the right financial institution is crucial for managing your finances and ensuring your money's safety and security. Here’s what to consider:

The following factors help you choose the right bank account.

  • Security Features and Fraud Protection Policies: Look for banks or credit unions that employ advanced security measures, such as artificial intelligence, to monitor account activity and detect unusual patterns, like transactions from an unfamiliar device or unexpected large transfers.

  • Customer Service and Support: Consider the quality of customer support, especially in cases of fraud or lost payment information. Efficient, accessible customer service can make a significant difference in swiftly resolving security issues.

  • Reputation and Reliability: Research the institution's history and customer reviews. A bank or credit union with a strong track record in managing and protecting different accounts is likely a safer choice.

  • Technology and Convenience: Ensure the institution offers up-to-date technology for monitoring your accounts and sending money safely. Mobile apps, text alerts, and online banking should offer user-friendly, secure access to your financial information.

Understanding How Your Money Is Protected

Investigate whether the financial institution is insured and what kind of protection is offered for your accounts. In Canada, for instance, the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) insures eligible deposits up to a certain limit. Understanding how your money is protected can influence your decision when choosing between banks or considering if you should split your money between banks.

Also, familiarise yourself with the bank’s policies regarding unauthorized transactions and fraud. Know your rights and responsibilities in maintaining the security of your account.

Some institutions, like KOHO for businesses, offer innovative banking solutions with enhanced security features tailored for business needs. These may include unique benefits, such as improved ways to track spending and manage accounts. When selecting a financial institution, weigh these factors carefully to ensure your financial safety.

Whether you're interested in how interest works on savings accounts, whether chequing and savings accounts are insured?, or considering different banking options, the right bank or credit union should align with your security needs and financial goals.

Advanced Security Practices

Enhancing your financial security involves adopting advanced practices that go beyond basic measures. Implementing these strategies can significantly reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft:

  • Regularly Update Your Contact Information: Ensure your bank has your current phone number, email, and address. This allows them to reach you promptly if they detect suspicious activities.

  • Use Alerts and Notifications for Unusual Activities: Set up alerts for various banking activities, such as large transactions, foreign transactions, or any transfers that exceed a set amount. Immediate notifications can help you catch and respond to unauthorized access quickly.

  • Securely Store Personal and Financial Documents: Keep sensitive documents, such as bank statements, tax returns, and identification documents, in a secure location. Consider using a locked safe or a secure digital storage solution for these critical items.

  • Regularly Review Account Statements: Check your bank and credit card statements monthly for any discrepancies or unauthorized transactions. Early detection is key to preventing large-scale fraud.

  • Shred Sensitive Documents: Before disposing of financial statements, bills, or personal documents, shred them to prevent dumpster-diving thieves from obtaining your personal information.

  • Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi: Avoid conducting financial transactions or accessing sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks. Use a trusted virtual private network (VPN) for enhanced security if necessary.

  • Limit Sharing of Personal Information: Be cautious about how much personal information you share online, especially on social media platforms. Oversharing can lead to identity theft and financial fraud.

By adopting these advanced security practices, you can significantly bolster the protection of your personal and financial information, reducing the risk of becoming a victim of fraud or identity theft.

Additional Tips to Protect Your Bank Account

In the journey to secure your finances, considering the structure and distribution of your banking can be a crucial step. One approach is maintaining multiple banking accounts across different institutions, which can offer advantages and challenges.

Consider Having Accounts at Multiple Banks

Diversifying your banking portfolio by holding accounts in more than one bank can provide a range of benefits and some drawbacks. This decision should align with your financial goals, security concerns, and banking preferences.

Benefits of maintaining multiple accounts include:

  • Enhanced Security: By spreading your funds across different institutions, you reduce the risk of losing all your money if one bank is compromised or fails.

  • Access to Varied Features: Different banks offer unique benefits; by diversifying, you can take advantage of various features like high-interest savings accounts, lower fee structures, or better loan rates.

  • Specialized Accounts: Some banks offer specialized accounts that might better suit different aspects of your financial life, such as higher rates for savings or better terms for checking accounts.

Some potential drawbacks are:

  • Complexity in Management: More accounts mean more logins to remember, more statements to review, and more balances to manage, which can complicate your financial life.

  • Varied Terms and Conditions: Each bank has its own set of rules regarding minimum balances, fees, and interest rates, which can be challenging to keep track of.

  • Potential for Lower Interest: If you're spreading your funds too thin, you might not meet the minimum balance requirements for the best interest rates or account benefits.

Consider how each account will serve your needs when contemplating whether to distribute your finances across multiple banks. For example, you might use one bank for its free credit score services and another for its high-interest savings account.

Additionally, using products like build your credit with KOHO can complement your strategy by offering tools that help improve your financial health without tying you to a single institution.

Rounding Up

Safeguarding your bank account requires a comprehensive approach encompassing everything from basic security measures to adopting advanced practices tailored to online banking and cyber threats.

By implementing strong passwords, monitoring account activity, and staying informed about common scams, you can significantly reduce your vulnerability to fraud. Additionally, leveraging the benefits of mobile banking while understanding the importance of securing these platforms is essential in today's digital age.

Multiple banking accounts can offer both security and financial benefits, but it requires careful management to avoid potential drawbacks. It's crucial to weigh the pros and cons based on your personal financial situation and goals. By staying vigilant and proactive in managing your banking security, you can protect your financial well-being while taking advantage of the conveniences modern banking has to offer.

Note: KOHO product information and/or features may have been updated since this blog post was published. Please refer to our KOHO Plans page for our most up to date account information!

Nick Saraev

Nick is a freelance writer and entrepreneur with a particular interest in business finance. He's been featured in publications like Popular Mechanics and Apple News